Orofacial Pain Treatment
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that motivates an individual far more than any other life experience. Orofacial pain is a general term covering any pain, which is felt in the mouth, jaws and the face. Different individuals sensing identical noxious stimulation feel pain in different ways and react at different levels of suffering.
In recent years there has been an increase in professional interest in orofacial pain disorders. A new type of clinical field is emerging with unique experience in managing orofacial pain disorders. It suggests that pain is mediated by way of specialized neural structures that are made for that purpose and indicates that pain is a protective mechanism against injury.
We are proud to present to you a State of Art Pain management clinic chain in Mumbai that not only manages your Pain using medicines but also specializes in Interventional Pain Medicine and Surgery. Dr Tarun Sharma had dedicated his time as a TMJ & Orofacial Pain Specialist in breaking the vicious Pain cycle and bringing peace again in the life of the patients. Dr Tarun Sharma has done his training for Pain management and has a certification approved from the British Pain Society and Royal College of Anaesthesiologist (United Kingdom).
Different types of Orofacial Pain:
- Headaches – Cluster, Tension, Paroxysmal, Migraine
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Atypical Facial Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Phantom Tooth Pain
- Orofacial Dystonia
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Neuropathic Pain
- Burning Mouth Syndrome
- CRPS – Complex Regional Pain syndrome
- Cancer Pain
General Considerations in Managing Orofacial Pain:
The conditions that generate pain are susceptible to modification. The treatment of people who suffer pain entails the manipulation of those factors that initiate and accentuate pain and/or the institution of means and methods by which patients can better cope with their complaint.
The pain management covers following factors:
• Elimination of causative noxious stimuli
• Interception of nociceptive circuit
• Enhancement of neural mechanism of pain inhibition
Treatment Modules:
- Pharmacological Management
- Physical Therapy, Massage & Splints.
- Ultra Sound Pain Management Therapy Sessions.
- Transelectric Nerve Stimulation Therapy (TENS)
- Thermotherapy
- Cryotherapy
- Botox Therapy
Interventional Pain Management Methods:
- Greater Auricular Nerve Block
- Occipital Nerve Block
- Auriculotemporal Nerve Block
- Sphenopalatine Ganglion Nerve Block
- Stellate Ganglion Nerve Block
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- Alcohol Blocks